Friday, July 30, 2010

The Tale about the Cows and the Rhino

It contains a very important lesson about life and leadership.

So here's the story if you're not familiar with it...and I'm retelling it in my own words:

"There are these cows grassing closely together in a secluded, fenced-in area...masses of them. They're all just doing the same thing - doing what cows do: Grassing.

But then there's this RHINO - one lone rhino among all the cows.

And this rhino doesn't like being confined, in fact he hates it, so he BURSTS through the fence and out into the open field and up the hill.

"Wo-hoo - freedom!!!"

There, he stops and looks back, down at all the cows. And you know what? You know what he sees?

He sees that they're not really cows - from where he's standing he can see clearly what he was not able to see while down there, grassing among all of them with his head down and his butt up...

They're not really cows - they are really rhinos! They are ALL rhinos that have been conned into believing they're cows!"

It's a simple little story yet it's profound, isn't it? For sure it got me thinking.

It got me thinking about the reason, the real reason why, today, I find myself in this vast field of opportunity.

Financial freedom. Time freedom. Life on my own terms. The opportunity to inspire and encourage other people. The list goes on.

It's not because I'm so "special", or so "gifted". And it's certainly not because I have been "lucky".

No.Here's why: It's because, some time back, I fully embraced the fact that I'm a rhino.

It didn't happen overnight - far from it. It happened after years of internal battles, challenges, and struggles -- followed by bursts of personal growth.

But gradually, I came to terms with who I really am. I took ownership of my rhino-ness, you could say.

I stopped listening to those who wanted to dupe me into believing I was - and always would be - a cow:

"Just stay where you are." "It's too difficult." "You can't do it." "You'll never make it." "You're not smart enough", "You're --"


Yeah, that's essentially what I told my subconscious, I told them.

And you know what else I did? I started to question the fence.

Why was there a fence there in the first place? Who put it there? Did it really have to be there?

Why I could not go outside its perimeters? Who said so?

Well, of course, the ones who said so were the same people who wanted me to believe I was a cow!

The ones I had decided NOT to listen to anymore.

So as I finally and completely embraced my rhino-ness, I was able to muster the strength and the courage that it took to 'SMASH' through the fence, and into the open.

And that is why, today, I have opportunities. It's because I'm on this side of the fence now, with the other rhinos.

You see, in the OPEN FIELD there's opportunity everywhere that you look.

You just have to get yourself there...!

Stop listening to the naysayers and the dream stealers. The people who are trying to put you down and hold you back.

Be the rhino you were created to be. Live fearlessly. Choose freedom.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Success Attraction

Success is something we all crave but attaining it can be difficult, frustrating and discouraging. If you really want to attract success, you need to develop the right tools to achieve your goals.

Everyone has a different idea of success. For some, personal fulfillment is their key objective, and they desire a romantic relationship or happy family life. Others have professional ambitions and yearn to succeed in their chosen career. Whatever you wish for, it is vital that you identify your goal and make it a major focus of your life.

The Starting Point

Having a clear idea about your aim is an important starting point. Not everyone is lucky enough to know their real purpose in life, but it is worth giving it some attention. Consider your strengths and special gifts and how you can use them to bring you greater fulfillment. Think about your personality and the situations where you feel most comfortable. If, for example, you have an outgoing nature and you have a desk job with little interpersonal contact, you may want to find another occupation in which you deal with the public.

Put it in Writing

When you have established your goal, it is a good idea to put it in writing and keep it on hand. You may even want to display it somewhere visible like your fridge or bedroom wall. Think of it as a contract with yourself with a set time limit by which it must be completed. When goals are written they are more apt to become a reality.

Make A Plan

The next step is to make a plan for reaching your goal. It helps to break it into several mini goals as it makes the project seem more manageable and less overwhelming. For example, if you want to change your job, your plan could include undertaking a training course, updating your resume and listing with employment agencies.

Get To Work

Once your plan has been created, you can get on track and start working towards your goal. At this stage, keeping your motivation levels high is crucial to your eventual success. You need to stay positive even when it seems that giving up is the easiest option. To do this, eliminate any negative self-talk and focus on your strengths and achievements. If you need inspiration, look for books on healthy thinking, or try prayer, meditation or yoga.

Support, Support

It is also very important that the people around you understand and support what you are doing. Try to reduce contact with anyone who casts doubt and look for help from those who believe in you. Be around positive people and avoid negative people.

Your Just Rewards

Lastly, keep your motivation high by rewarding yourself, not only at the end but also along the way. Find small, inexpensive treats which will boost your morale and give you something to aim for. A new book, CD, item of clothing or dinner at your favorite restaurant can all help lift your spirits and help keep your eyes on your destination.

Attracting success into your life is less difficult than you may think. Follow these simple steps and you will be well on your way to having the life you really want.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lessons For Growing Your Network Marketing Business

Lesson 10 of 10 Simple Lessons For Growing Your Network Marketing Business

LESSON 10: The More the Merrier
Billionaire, J. Paul Getty once said, "I would rather earn one percent of the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent of my own efforts."

The world’s most successful entrepreneurs understand the POWER OF LEVERAGE. Leverage also happens to be the cornerstone of network marketing. Even the hardest, most driven worker only has 24 hours in a day. There is only so much you can do! But what if you had 10 people, 100 people or even 1,000 people working on the same thing in that 24 hour day? And what if their efforts directly benefited your business? In network marketing, leverage empowers you to earn money through your work efforts and the work efforts of others. The result is a high ratio of outcome to input in other words, a 150% return on a 100% investment. That is time (and money) in the bank!

That is it!
The 10 Lessons seem rather basic and that is because they are. While network marketing is not easy, people tend to make it a lot harder than it has to be. But wait! There is one more thing not really a lesson, but a parting thought.

Quitters Never Win
And winners never quit. If network marketing has so much potential, why do so many people fail? The reasons vary, but patience is a big factor. Growing any business takes time. For most of us, it does not happen overnight. That said, once the power of leverage kicks in, you will be surprised at how fast your business can grow. Stick with it! You will be glad you did. See you at the Top.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lessons For Growing Your Network Marketing Business

Lesson 9 of 10 Simple Lessons For Growing Your Network Marketing Business

LESSON 9: Make New Friends
Of course there are times when it is appropriate to talk to Aunt Mary or your best friend from high school about your network marketing opportunity, but as noted in previous lessons, network marketing is not for everyone and the sooner you realize that, the less likely you are to alienate your friends and family.

Personally, I really dislike the concept of making a list of everyone you know. We all do it to some degree, but I am much happier and successful attracting interested people to me versus chasing after unqualified leads.

The internet has changed the game for network marketers. By combining the techniques in Lesson 7, Share, Share, Share, with the power of the internet, you can draw new prospects from all over the world to you. Write a blog with tips, offer a free how-to guide, write an eBook. Internet-based network marketing is the ideal platform for those who hate cold-calling to build their business. If you are not ready to author your own material, you may want to consider distributing someone else’s material. E-books you can turnaround and offer it to people who provide you with their name, email address and phone number. As you do this, you create a list of qualified prospects. This is a technique called magnetic sponsoring.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lessons For Growing Your Network Marketing Business

Lesson 8 of 10 Simple Lessons For Growing Your Network Marketing Business

Lesson 8: You Win Some, You Lose Some
While relationship building is important, network marketing is also a numbers game. Some offerings have a higher close rate than others, but all of us will experience rejection and success. Realistically, you will hear many more people say no than yes. The good news is that once you have reached your no quota; you can get excited, because you are getting closer to that yes! It takes a thick skin! Focus on the getting to that yes and invest your efforts wisely. It is one thing to counter objections. It is another thing to waste your time trying to convince someone who is adamantly opposed to networking marketing that it is right for them. You may convince someone to join you, but if they were dragged into it, it is unlikely that they will stick around for long. Know when to move on. Focus on the yes!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lessons For Growing Your Network Marketing Business

Lessons 7 of 10 Simple Lessons For Growing Your Network Marketing Business

LESSON 7: Share, Share, Share
Unlike most corporate environments where people hoard information to maintain their expertise or try to outdo one another in order to secure the next big promotion, network marketing is an environment of cooperation where people benefit from the success of those around them.

Network marketing is about teaching and coaching. Sharing knowledge and success strategies with people on your team is a MUST because your success is largely dependent on their success. But what about people who are outside of your team? What about people who are not even involved in the same business opportunity as you? Are these people competition? You could look at it that way, but I recommend you do not and I will explain why. Network marketing is only partly about which product is best or which company has the best comp plan. These issues factor into a person’s decision to join one company over another, however decisions are largely based on people dynamics.

Do you have expertise that is of value to others? Are you sincere in your desire to help them? When you give of yourself (without motive), you will naturally form relationships with people, be perceived as a leader and draw people to work with you. In a nutshell, the more you give, the more you will receive.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lessons For Growing Your Network Marketing Business

Lesson 5 & 6 of 10 Simple Lessons For Growing Your Network Marketing Business

LESSON 5: Be a Good Listener
People become involved in network marketing for different reasons. On the surface it often seems that money is the driving motivation, but there is usually something more specific behind that desire.

When you are presenting your business opportunity to a prospect, ask questions about what they are looking for and listen intently to their responses. Are they looking for the flexibility to work from home, more time with their kids, extra money to travel? Find their why and help them understand how network marketing can help them achieve their goals.

LESSON 6: Show and Tell
Don’t just tell them what you know, show them!

From a product standpoint, it is easier than you might think. For instance, if you are selling a travel-related product, do not stop at telling someone they will be able to travel less expensively. Ask them where they plan on traveling next and run the numbers. How much would they save on that particular trip with your product? Do you offer a hot new technology that changes the way businesses communicate with customers? Demonstrate it. Does your product have qualities that will improve their health? Show them testimonies.

The same goes for talking to prospects. Do you have great marketing support materials? Show them. Is the training from your company’s leaders fantastic? Invite them to a call. Make your product or business opportunity real for people and let them SEE the value.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lessons on Growing Your Network Marketing Business

Lesson 4 of "10 Simple Lessons for Growing Your Network Marketing Business"

LESSON 4: Honesty is the Best Policy

There is no excuse for misrepresenting your opportunity or product to anyone. If you cannot sell the advantages of your product or the business opportunity without sugar coating the facts, you might want to look for a new opportunity.

Be upfront with people about what it takes to be successful in this business. Network marketing requires time and effort. Sales are a BIG part of the equation. This requires picking up the phone, talking to people and following up with them. Marketing is also key because distributors need to find their product and business prospects somewhere (your warm market can only go so far). There are low-cost ways to market your business. Distributors should also have an advertising budget to work with, even if it is initially a small one. We all recognize that the ability to recruit others who want to build a business is imperative to success in network marketing. However, it is equally important to understand that not being truthful with a person (telling them it is easier than it is or making promises you cannot keep) is setting that person up for failure. You will lose them before you even collect the fast start bonus.

Focus on people who understand network marketing, are prepared to make the commitment and are not looking for a get rich quick scheme. Tell it like it is. The best team members are those who understand what it takes before jumping in and are willing to do what is needed to grow their business.

Six more lessons to go, keep checking back for the rest!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lessons on Growing Your Network Marketing Business

Here is Lesson 2 & 3 of "10 Simple Lessons for Growing Your Network Marketing Business"

LESSON 2: There Are No Stupid Questions

If you have a question, ask it! If your sponsor can not provide a concrete answer go to someone else in your upline. Likewise, when a customer or business prospect asks a question that you cannot answer, be honest and tell them you will have to get back to them. Whatever you do, do not wing it. You could end up misleading someone and damaging the credibility of your company.

LESSON 3: Attendance
Be sure to attend training calls, meetings and events whenever you can. Not only will you stay at the forefront of the latest company news, but you will sharpen your sales pitch in the process as you hear company leaders present the product and business opportunity. Better yet, try to hear the story from a variety of leaders in your company. Each will have a unique style, perspective and a fact or figure that you have not heard before. Find a presenter that you are comfortable with and emulate him or her.

When you stay plugged in you stay motivated, which is especially important when you are just getting started. Growing your business takes time. Some days will be better than others, but the encouragement of a team leader is often all you need to regain your focus. Be patient and keep your eye on the prize.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First Lesson on Growing Your Network Marketing Business

Today starts the first of "10 Simple Lessons for Growing Your Network Marketing Business"

LESSON 1: Do Your Homework
Lured by outrageous promises, too many people jump into a home-based business before they have really had a chance to look under the covers. If this is you, it is okay. It has happened to the best of us. Just remember the old adage, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

In addition to seeking an opportunity that is appealing to people who want to build a business of their own, make absolutely certain the company you select provides a legitimate product or service that offers real value to a target audience. You should be able to attract customers who want to buy your offering for no other reason than it is a great product. Your residual income is dependent on this. Once you have selected a company, the real work starts. Learn your business inside and out. Potential customers will want to know why you have a solution to their problem. Why is your offering different? How does it work? The ability to confidently respond to prospects questions with accurate facts and figures will give you confidence. And the more confidence you have, the more sales you will make.

The same goes for working with people who are interested in joining your business opportunity. Study the history of the company and its management. Be able to speak to the size of the market for your product. Does it address the needs of a specific audience? Does it capitalize on a growing trend? Know the compensation plan like the back of your hand (this can be challenging, but find someone in your upline who will work with you until you can pitch it in your sleep).

If you are just starting out, it is understandable that you will have a learning curve. Make a cheat sheet and lean on the expertise of your upline. They will be glad to help.

Check back for the next lessons.

Friday, May 21, 2010

MLM Network Marketing Training

This may sound crazy, but you should spend your very last penny on MLM network marketing training and not on leads. The reason why, is because you have bought yourself leverage. It goes back to the old proverb, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

It is the exact same thing in our industry. You have got to take MLM network marketing training seriously and learn how to fish. For example: You have a $500 marketing budget for the next 3 months and after that, you are officially out of money. 99.9% of marketers have been trained to use that money to buy leads.

What you will do is throw your money into a pot with the rest of your group and you will buy some leads generated from Sunday morning TV infomercials, maybe put an ad in some magazine, etc. Then you will all split those leads at the end of your campaign.

So, you are a go-getter and you've taken action, spent your money and you received 200 leads for your business. Great, right? Right, until you start calling bad phone numbers, get hung up on many times and because you are not a professional telemarketer, you have not sold anybody on your business.

Now what? Are you out of business or do you wait until you save another $500 and try again? Are you hopeful that one day you will finally find that one person that will make it huge and build your business? If you are, you might as well go buy $500 worth of lottery tickets.

This is why traditional MLM network marketing training is wrong! It's a vicious cycle and the primary reason 97% of people fail in this industry. Grab your own destiny!

There are proven strategies all over the internet that generate leads for free. You should have spent your $500 on MLM network marketing training that teaches you how to generate your own traffic forever. Doesn't leverage seem like a better use of your hard-earned money than having to buy worthless leads for the rest of your life? Go do your research and find proven training that you will learn the right skills from. See you at the top.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Difference Between Intention and Action

Five frogs sat on a log. One decided to jump off.

How many were left? Most people would say four.

The answer… Five. Why?

Because even though the frog decided to jump off, it might not have.

Intention is not an Action. Intention and Action are not even in the same arena. Actions are measurable and intentions are not. And there is a big difference between the two.

For example if a person has an intention of losing weight and getting healthier, yet does nothing to make it happen. Will it happen? Probably not! But if a person takes action and starts getting exercise every day and making good food choices. Eventually if they keep on track they will accomplish their goals of better health.

Look at your goals in life. What are your health, family or financial goals? Are you taking action to make your life goals a reality or are they just dreams with no follow through? You only have one life, go ahead and make it an amazing one.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Online Home Based Business

The Internet plays an important role in providing knowledge about various fields of online business. Some of which can give a huge profit. Lifestyles are changed, since the entrepreneur can work from home or anywhere they desire. They can set their own working hours and can decide which projects to work. This attracts many entrepreneurs to working online.

If you go and search the web you can find many websites and advertisements from which you can choose the company that you will work online from home. Those who have a computer and an Internet connection can become the boss. It does not cost a lot to start an online Internet business.

First choose the type of business you will start, and then decide the many ways you will advertise your business. Here is a list of some types of advertizing; PPC ads, SEO, Press releases, blogs, free classified ads, social media, and many other types. There are free websites where you can advertise your products. An entrepreneur can create their own website giving all the details about the products or service they are going to sell. Some of these types will cost money and some of these are free. The Internet will help you to accelerate your online business.

Running a business teaches you a lot of valuable skills in life such as self-discipline, communication skills, patience, intelligence, and focus on life, which will help your business run more efficiently.

Learn how you can create a residual income from the comfort of your own home. How you can have the time and financial freedom you deserve and desire. See you at the top.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Home Based Business Tips

Here are some tips and ideas on how to start a home based business and some questions you should consider. First, you need to decide what you want your end result to be? Is replacing your current income your desire? How much time and effort are you willing to put into the home based business on a daily basis? How much money do you have to invest in a business? Are you looking to plug into an already successful business model? Are you able to follow a learnable, teachable, duplicating system?

Most people in our country that have an entrepreneurial spirit, are looking to break away from trading time for dollars in a 9-5 j-o-b. It is a fact that by the age of 65, 98% of all Americans will be dead or broke. Why? People have failed to plan what they want from life. When you fail to plan, then you get exactly what to are asking for.

Starting a home based business is a great way to break free from this 98% of people. You will need to join an organization that has already put together a system that works. This system must also have top notch leadership who have already been super successful in their field of endeavor.

Let us start from the beginning. First you need to put together a game plan of what it is that you want from a business at home. You then need to decide what your end goal or dollar amount you want to accumulate is. This is important. Once you have your goal, you need to decide what you are willing to give up temporarily, to accomplish your goal. This is called delayed gratification.

Next, in order for you to start a home based business, you will need to have a system that has a proven track record of previous success. If you treat your home business like a hobby, your commitment will be with an employee mentality. It will pay you like a hobby. Your time and money will need to be invested to be successful. Discover what your goals and plans are. Then give your new business your all and you will be successful. No looking back.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Home Based Business Success

Having owned two fitness Franchises for a combined total of ten years I have heard all kinds of reasons why people do not see the fitness results they desired and decide to cancel their membership. There were reasons like I do not have the time to exercise. Or I need to cancel as I do not have the money to pay for my membership. Or this exercise program is not working for me, but when I look at how many times they worked out, it was three times. Well none of us got in the shape we are in overnight, so it will take more than three times of exercise to accomplish the desired fitness level. My favorite excuse was “I cannot work out where the staff is bigger than me.” Well she did not know the staff’s story, that she had already lost some weight. Also she had only worked out two times and yet paid for the full year. Basically these are all excuses.

I was thinking about this in regards to building a home based business. These same excuses can be used. I do not have the time to build a home based business, my life is too busy. I do not have the money to invest in building a home based business. I have tried to build a business and it does not work for me. Well they maybe talked to three people and they were not interested. It takes far more than talking to three people to build a business. The excuse of the staff is bigger even works here. Maybe it is, my upline is too busy and they have no time to spend helping me. Again these are just excuses.

Any home based business needs time and money invested to become profitable. You will need to join a company that has a proven track record of previous success. It is important to join an organization that already has systems in place that have been successful. You will need to develop a game plan of what it is that you want from a home based business. Do you want time and financial freedom? Do you want to be able to spend more time with family and friends? It is important to learn to be teachable. Your time and money will need to be invested to be successful. Discover what your goals are and move forward, giving your home based business your all and you will be successful. I will see you at the top.