Friday, July 30, 2010

The Tale about the Cows and the Rhino

It contains a very important lesson about life and leadership.

So here's the story if you're not familiar with it...and I'm retelling it in my own words:

"There are these cows grassing closely together in a secluded, fenced-in area...masses of them. They're all just doing the same thing - doing what cows do: Grassing.

But then there's this RHINO - one lone rhino among all the cows.

And this rhino doesn't like being confined, in fact he hates it, so he BURSTS through the fence and out into the open field and up the hill.

"Wo-hoo - freedom!!!"

There, he stops and looks back, down at all the cows. And you know what? You know what he sees?

He sees that they're not really cows - from where he's standing he can see clearly what he was not able to see while down there, grassing among all of them with his head down and his butt up...

They're not really cows - they are really rhinos! They are ALL rhinos that have been conned into believing they're cows!"

It's a simple little story yet it's profound, isn't it? For sure it got me thinking.

It got me thinking about the reason, the real reason why, today, I find myself in this vast field of opportunity.

Financial freedom. Time freedom. Life on my own terms. The opportunity to inspire and encourage other people. The list goes on.

It's not because I'm so "special", or so "gifted". And it's certainly not because I have been "lucky".

No.Here's why: It's because, some time back, I fully embraced the fact that I'm a rhino.

It didn't happen overnight - far from it. It happened after years of internal battles, challenges, and struggles -- followed by bursts of personal growth.

But gradually, I came to terms with who I really am. I took ownership of my rhino-ness, you could say.

I stopped listening to those who wanted to dupe me into believing I was - and always would be - a cow:

"Just stay where you are." "It's too difficult." "You can't do it." "You'll never make it." "You're not smart enough", "You're --"


Yeah, that's essentially what I told my subconscious, I told them.

And you know what else I did? I started to question the fence.

Why was there a fence there in the first place? Who put it there? Did it really have to be there?

Why I could not go outside its perimeters? Who said so?

Well, of course, the ones who said so were the same people who wanted me to believe I was a cow!

The ones I had decided NOT to listen to anymore.

So as I finally and completely embraced my rhino-ness, I was able to muster the strength and the courage that it took to 'SMASH' through the fence, and into the open.

And that is why, today, I have opportunities. It's because I'm on this side of the fence now, with the other rhinos.

You see, in the OPEN FIELD there's opportunity everywhere that you look.

You just have to get yourself there...!

Stop listening to the naysayers and the dream stealers. The people who are trying to put you down and hold you back.

Be the rhino you were created to be. Live fearlessly. Choose freedom.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Success Attraction

Success is something we all crave but attaining it can be difficult, frustrating and discouraging. If you really want to attract success, you need to develop the right tools to achieve your goals.

Everyone has a different idea of success. For some, personal fulfillment is their key objective, and they desire a romantic relationship or happy family life. Others have professional ambitions and yearn to succeed in their chosen career. Whatever you wish for, it is vital that you identify your goal and make it a major focus of your life.

The Starting Point

Having a clear idea about your aim is an important starting point. Not everyone is lucky enough to know their real purpose in life, but it is worth giving it some attention. Consider your strengths and special gifts and how you can use them to bring you greater fulfillment. Think about your personality and the situations where you feel most comfortable. If, for example, you have an outgoing nature and you have a desk job with little interpersonal contact, you may want to find another occupation in which you deal with the public.

Put it in Writing

When you have established your goal, it is a good idea to put it in writing and keep it on hand. You may even want to display it somewhere visible like your fridge or bedroom wall. Think of it as a contract with yourself with a set time limit by which it must be completed. When goals are written they are more apt to become a reality.

Make A Plan

The next step is to make a plan for reaching your goal. It helps to break it into several mini goals as it makes the project seem more manageable and less overwhelming. For example, if you want to change your job, your plan could include undertaking a training course, updating your resume and listing with employment agencies.

Get To Work

Once your plan has been created, you can get on track and start working towards your goal. At this stage, keeping your motivation levels high is crucial to your eventual success. You need to stay positive even when it seems that giving up is the easiest option. To do this, eliminate any negative self-talk and focus on your strengths and achievements. If you need inspiration, look for books on healthy thinking, or try prayer, meditation or yoga.

Support, Support

It is also very important that the people around you understand and support what you are doing. Try to reduce contact with anyone who casts doubt and look for help from those who believe in you. Be around positive people and avoid negative people.

Your Just Rewards

Lastly, keep your motivation high by rewarding yourself, not only at the end but also along the way. Find small, inexpensive treats which will boost your morale and give you something to aim for. A new book, CD, item of clothing or dinner at your favorite restaurant can all help lift your spirits and help keep your eyes on your destination.

Attracting success into your life is less difficult than you may think. Follow these simple steps and you will be well on your way to having the life you really want.